With a view to developing and harmonizing the water sports, tourist and sporting activities practiced on the lake and its banks, and to protect the site from the risk of a proliferation of disparate and unsightly developments, the annual "tourism commission" is the body responsible for proposing the most appropriate actions in terms of tourism on the Serre-Ponçon lake. The aim is to ensure complementarity and the necessary diversification of the local tourist economy, while respecting the Serre-Ponçon environment.
SMADESEP has defined the conditions for occupying the public hydroelectric domain and the various nautical, tourist and sporting activities practiced on the reservoir and its banks.
If you wish to set up on the banks of Serre-Ponçon, you will need an Autorisation d'Occupation Temporaire.
If you wish to set up on a port facility (mooring or berth), this is a Contrat Professionnel.
At the request of the interested party, the annual "tourism commission" examines the application and issues an agreement or professional contract specifying the purpose and duration of the occupation. Authorizations and professional contracts are always granted on a precarious and revocable basis, and are subject to a fee.
All requests must be made before September 30 for a proposed activity to be presented at the December Tourism Commission meeting.
This committee is responsible for examining projects for implementation (subject to approval by the committee) during the following summer season.
Temporary Occupancy Authorization procedures
In all cases, any temporary installation project destined to be set up on the Serre-Ponçon public hydroelectric domain must firstobtain an AOT agreement.
This agreement, if granted, in no way prejudices other applicable legislation (coastal law, building permits, etc.).
The common legal instrument is thetemporary occupation permit, subject to a fee and always issued on a personal, precarious and revocable basis.
Around Lac de Serre-Ponçon, a "Tourism" commission has been set up, with the main aim of examining requests forAOTs and gathering the opinions of the organizations concerned.
For all requests for application, renewal or modification of an AOT in Serre-Ponçon, a file must be completed and returned to SMADESEP (AOT application file), together with supporting documents.
Selection criteria for AOT applications :
- Quality of the application: business plan, jobs generated, quality of the file, etc.
- Investment planned by the applicant for the project
- Integration of the project into the surrounding environment
Deadline for AOT applications :
All AOT applications must be submitted to the S.M.A.D.E.S.E.P, Tourism Department :
- by September 30 of year "n-1" at thelatest, for an installation planned for year "n+1". (e.g.: for an installation starting in 2025, applications must be submitted no later than September 30, 2024).
Please note that all requests for major modifications must be notified to us before June 30, in order to comply with our publication obligation.
Fee schedule for occupancy of the public hydroelectric domain :
All occupations on the Serre-Ponçon public hydroelectric domain are subject to payment of a fee:
List of Temporary Occupancy Agreements on the Serre-Ponçon public domain
List of COTs with start and end dates
Procedures for professional contracts :
In all cases, any temporary installation project intended to be set up on a Serre-Ponçon port facility (mooring, berth, etc.) must firstobtain a professional contract.
Around Lac de Serre-Ponçon, a "Tourism" commission has been set up, with the main aim of examining applications for professional contracts and gathering the opinions of the organizations concerned.
To apply for, renew or modify a professional contract in Serre-Ponçon, a file must be completed and returned to SMADESEP (professional contract application file), together with supporting documents.
Deadline for submission of professional contract applications:
All applications for professional contracts must be submitted to the S.M.A.D.E.S.E.P, Tourism Department :
- by September 30th of year "n-1" at thelatest, for an installation planned for year "n+1". (e.g.: for an installation starting in 2025, applications must be submitted no later than September 30, 2024).
Selection criteria Professional contract :
- Quality of application: business plan, jobs generated, quality of application, etc.
- Investment planned by the applicant for the project
- Integration of the project into its immediate environment
I want to change my AOT Major and minor modifications: understanding the difference.
As a beneficiary of an AOT, you are responsible for informing the Tourism Department of any changes you wish to make to your AOT, for example, in the event of business development, additional construction or planned works, prior to any implementation.
The table below sets out the procedure to be followed: