Do you have a question?

Am I allowed to bivouac on the lake?

For safety reasons, it is forbidden to bivouac on the shores of Lac de Serre-Ponçon. It is also forbidden to build fires on the banks, except on dedicated sites (duly authorized by prefectoral decree).

How can I obtain a careening card?

Careening cards can be collected from the harbor office at the following address: Capitainerie du lac de Serre-Ponçon - Quai de la rue Royale - 05160 Savines le lac. You'll find our opening times on our home page (times may change according to the season). Don't hesitate to call us on for further information.

Prices are as follows:



  • CREDIT: 20:00 to 4 CYCLES at 4x5 MINUTES for 20€

  • CREDIT: 40:00 to 8 CYCLES at 8x5 MINUTES for35€

  • CREDIT: 60:00 to 12 CYCLES at 12x5 MINUTES at €50

What do I have to do to get my boating licence?

Marine (coastal, offshore) and river permits are valid on the hydroelectric reservoir, within the same limits in terms of boat motorization and distance from shelters as those in force for each of these permits. If you would like to know more about the procedure for obtaining a boating license, please click on the link below:

Do I need a specific license to pilot a boat in Serre-Ponçon?

Marine (coastal, offshore) and river permits are valid on the hydroelectric reservoir, within the same limits in terms of boat motorization and distance from shelters as those in force for each of these permits.

A license is required to pilot a motorized pleasure boat when the propulsion device exceeds 4.5 kilowatts (6 horsepower).

For more information, click on the link below:

Where can I park my boat trailer?

The harbour master's office has a dry port for storing your trailer in Savines-le-lac. You will find below the procedure to follow in order to reserve a place at the dry port according to your needs.

However, there are no spaces allocated to port customers at all public ports. Please use nearby parking lots.

What is an edge strip?

Along the shoreline is a continuous 100-metre-wide zone. A line of spherical yellow buoys defines this zone. The speed limit is 5km/h. Only beach craft are authorized to operate within the shoreline strip. Find out more about the arrêté interpréfectoral de la retenue de Serre-Ponçon.

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Where are the slipways?

All the boat slips in the reservoir are free and open to the public. There are 6 slipways. Each one has a different use limit:

  • Eygoires (Savines-le-lac commune) : - 29 m
  • Capitainerie (Savines-le-lac commune) : - 14 m
  • Baie Saint Michel (commune of Chorges) : - 5 m
  • Plage de bois vieux (Rousset) : - 9 m
  • Saint Vincent-les-forts (commune of Ubaye Serre-Ponçon) : - 9 m
  • Port Saint Pierre (commune of Sauze-du-lac) : - 9 m
Where can I launch my jet-ski and practice?

Access to the area must be from the following points:

- From Le Sauze Le Lac, the boat will be launched from the Port Saint-Pierre slipway , using the existing ferry channel to leave the shoreline.

Motorized watercraft such as jet-skis are forbidden on the Serre-Ponçon lake, except in the specific development zone symbolized on the master plan for use of the lake "VNM zone" from 10 a.m. to sunset, or no later than 8 p.m. (see below). This zone is located on the territory of the communes of Sauze-du-Lac and Rousset.

schéma de navigation de la retenue
What are the emergency services and numbers on Lac de Serre-Ponçon?

The emergency organization plan for the Serre-Ponçon reservoir is defined by prefectoral decree. It sets out how public and, where necessary, private resources are to be deployed to rescue people in the event of a major accident involving a large number of victims. It relies on a number of warning systems in Serre-Ponçon.

By landline or cell phone :

  • 112 European emergency number
  • 18 Fire brigade
  • 15 Emergency medical service (SAMU)
  • 17 Gendarmerie - Police

By radio communication :

  • VHF Radio Maritime Channel 14 "Call; Distress; Safety".

Watch is maintained by a master station managed by the Centre Opérationnel Départemental des Services d'Incendie et de Secours (CODIS 05). Indirectly, via local representatives of the public emergency services: first-aid posts, beach surveillance, patrolling boats (fire department, Gendarmerie, SMADESEP)

How can we limit our ecological impact?
  1. I pick up any plastic bags floating in the water,
  2. I respect the minimum catch sizes and authorized equipment because, by catching fish below the authorized sizes, I prevent the natural renewal of species and reduce resources.
How can we respect flora and fauna?
  1. I respect the natural environment by avoiding damaging sensitive areas, nesting and reproduction sites for local fauna: reedbeds, banks, small islands, rivers.
  2. I respect the speed limit along riverbanks and keep a reasonable distance from them, so as to reduce the wake and backwash that can lead to bank erosion and damage to flora.
How can we prevent water pollution?
  1. I prefer heavy bags or baskets to light ones that could fly away
  2. I carefully fill my boat's fuel tank, preferably at dockside, using a funnel large enough not to spill fuel into the water.
  3. I use detergent-free water on board my boat,
  4. I dispose of my garbage in the designated areas on land
  5. When the size of the boat allows it, I prefer mechanical cleaning of boat hulls (manual stripping, sandblasting, etc.) to the application of antifouling paints. Antifouling paints contain biocides, which can have an impact on the environment. If the size of the boat makes the use of these paints necessary, be sure to respect the application doses and limit discharges into the environment (e.g.: use of tarpaulins to collect paint sprays)
  6. I prefer to use an LPG, electric or four-stroke engine rather than a two-stroke engine for my outboard boat. This will reduce fuel consumption as well as gas and noise emissions.
What is tidal range?

The tidal range refers to the difference in level encountered by Lac de Serre-Ponçon between its nominal filling level (set at 780 meters NGF) and the level resulting from its release. This drawdown, managed by EDF, may result from the reservoir's hydroelectric operation, or from the supply of drinking, industrial or agricultural water to Provence.

Under an agreement signed in June 2008 between EDF and SMADESEP, the reservoir concessionaire has undertaken to ensure that the water level does not exceed 5 metres of drawdown between July 1 and August 31, so as not to fall below the 755-metre NGF level considered to be the minimum level for tourist use.

How do I park my boat on Lac de Serre-Ponçon?

Parking a boat on the Serre-Ponçon reservoir requires a specific authorization for temporary occupation of the public domain. This authorization is issued by a rental contract for a berth, whether managed by a public or private organization.

Reserve my berth

What is beach equipment?

The term "beach equipment" covers all non-motorized sports and leisure craft with a maximum authorized propulsive power of less than or equal to 3 kilowatts (= 4 hp), and whose characteristics do not require them to be registered with the maritime affairs administration. This includes perissoires, inflatables, pedal boats, etc..

Beach craft may not stray more than 100 meters from the shoreline: they must remain within the shoreline when marked by a line of buoys (yellow spherical buoys 600 mm in diameter).

What equipment do I need to use my boat?

The use of a boat on the reservoir requires, as at sea, that you have the safety equipment required by regulations.

Depending on the size and type of your boat, you will be required to have :

  • personal buoyancy equipment,
  • a means of re-boarding if you fall overboard,
  • a device to stop propulsion in the event of pilot ejection when the total power of the propulsion motors exceeds 4.5 kW,
  • a compliant fire-fighting system,
  • a manual bilge pump for non-self-draining boats or those with at least one living space,
  • a device for towing and mooring.
Can I use my motorboat on Serre-Ponçon?

Motorized navigation is authorized, including for internal combustion engines, with no power limitation. However, the maximum speed is limited to 50 km/h and 5 km/h within the shoreline.